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Squad 288 was placed in service on July 1, 1998. Twenty-five firefighters and four officers brought together for one common cause, to better serve the citizens of the City of New York. After months of extensive training, hard work and dedication, the members of Squad 288 were proud to rank amongst the "Best of the Bravest".

Several months after the creation of Squad 288, our Company Commander, Captain Denis Murphy chose our company motto, the Latin phrase, "Fortuna Favet Fortibus". Translated into English it reads, "Fortune Favors the Brave". This phrase would become our cherished slogan. No one could have foreseen just how significant this phrase would become on the morning of Tuesday, September 11, 2001. Called to respond to the World Trade Center, the members of Squad 288 would demonstrate the true meaning of bravery.

Although we know the number of lives lost, we will never know the number of lives saved by the actions of our brothers. It was once said, "No greater love hath a man, than to lay down his life for a friend". It takes an even greater love to lay down his life for a stranger. Firefighters have been called "Soldiers in a war that never ends". If this is true, "Fortuna Favet Fortibus" is the battle cry of Squad 288. For their bravery, the eight members of Squad 288, who made the supreme sacrifice on September 11, 2001, will never be forgotten. We will cherish their memory, safeguard their families and their spirit will live on through us. Brothers, we are proud to know you, honored to have worked with you and heartbroken to have lost you. As it has been said in the past, "Take a blow, we'll take it from here". Until we meet again, stay low, be well and "Fortuna Favet Fortibus".