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Raymond Downey Deputy Chief, FDNY Special Operations Command
Although hundreds of first responders rushed to the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001 to assist the injured, Ray Downey stands out because he had originally responded to the 1993 terrorist bombing of the twin towers as Chief of Rescue Operations. In the aftermath of that horrific event, Downey pushed to improve the NYC Fire Department's ability to respond to future terrorist incidents, especially those involving mass casualties, weapons of mass destruction and collapsed structures. One of the most - if not the most - decorated men in the Department, Chief Downey received five individual medals for valor and 16 unit citations. He served as a member of the presidential committee on terrorism known as the "Gilmore Commission," which has been assessing US response capabilities for terrorism involving weapons of mass destruction. He also led task forces to respond to various national disasters, including the Oklahoma City bombing, Hurricane Marilyn and the bombing at the Atlanta Olympics. At the time of the September 11th attack, Chief Downey (affectionately known as the "Master of Disaster") oversaw the Special Operations Command, which included rescue, squad, hazardous materials and marine. He and his fellow firemen were in the midst of helping victims escape from the twin towers when they abruptly collapsed. More than 25,000 people were saved - in part - because of their valiant efforts.


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