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Tributes and Information Dedicated in honor of Louis Arena. A husband, a father, a friend and neighbor. His heroic acts on September 11th, 2001 will never ever be forgotten.


I saw you last when we were moving
You stopped to chat for only moments
We talked of moving and future plans
The growth of children put much demands

We bid farewell and parted paths
We knew you'd leave as others had

You put your plans in motions too
You'd look for a house and move real soon
You woke for work so full of life
You bid farewell to the kids and wife

You got to work as you always have
To put your best in all your plans
But the first alarm came much too soon
You rushed on out not even noon

What laid ahead you could not tell
The horror, the screaming, the building fell
We watched and mourned and when all was done
We could not believe that you were gone

We pray for you and others too
My neighbor, my friend, we'll miss you Lou!

Delia Rodriguez-Vega, neighbor


His life was ended too soon, but in the truest and purest of causes -- in service to his countrymen. He will always be remembered as one of the bravest of Americans. His grateful country will never forget his supreme sacrifice.

Jenni Simpson


My heart goes out to you, Hero. I will forever remember September 11, 2001 and the courage you had when you risked your life for so many. May God bless you and accept you in his holy presence.

Archer Johnson

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